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拥有世界一流的教授,一流的设施和无穷无尽的学习 choices and career paths, it’s easy to see why the U.S.A. 是第一项研究吗 世界上的目的地.

虽然你对美国的第一个想法可能是纽约或加利福尼亚,但在外面学习 of those saturated states is actually a better choice. 事实上,在过去的两年里 犹他州连续排名第一 #1 best state in the U.S., an esteemed position testament to the high quality of its education 制度、经济和医疗. Read on to learn why so many people love living here and what makes Utah unlike anywhere else in the world.

Click on the boxes below to jump to the topic that interests you.


Utah has the most unique landscape you've ever seen

如果你渴望新鲜的空气、广阔的天空和宁静的环境,那么犹他州是完美的选择 for you.

Here in Ephraim in central Utah, there's no traffic, no pollution. 除了山什么都没有 你的周围和天空.


如果你喜欢滑雪、滑雪板、雪鞋或雪地摩托,那么你会很兴奋的 to learn that Utah is famous for having The Greatest Snow on Earth®. 你通常可以 get on the slopes from late fall through late spring.

当天气变暖时,有无数的地方可以去山地自行车、徒步旅行、钓鱼, rock climbing, rafting, camping, star gazing – you name it!

有很多方法可以探索和保持忙碌,比如全年的节日 to hot air balloons, astronomy, food, art, crafts, music and film. Perhaps Utah’s 最出名的是它的五个令人惊叹的国家公园:锡安,布莱斯峡谷,拱门, 峡谷地和首都礁.

顺便说一下,它不是一直下雪(这不是我们名字的由来) from – 这是真实的故事)! We enjoy all four seasons here in Utah, and most locals relish any opportunity 全年都能到大自然中去.

Head on over to or check out Utah.Com的17个访问理由 and you’ll instantly see why there’s “Snow” place more beautiful than Utah!


Not all learning takes place in the classroom! 雪学院位于市中心 美国西部,这里是许多活动和户外探险的理想之地.

离我们的校园只有三英里,你可以在山顶上欣赏 从著名的“雪S”的观点,或击中小径在以法莲 峡谷遗产中心.

推荐十大正规网赌平台全球参与中心为国际学生提供特殊服务 trips to amazing locations throughout the year. 这些活动旨在提供帮助 you experience the beauty and grandeur of Utah’s mountains and deserts.

  • 和你的同学组成一个小团体,在阿尔卑斯山脉的高山山谷里远足 Manti LaSal国家森林.
  • Camp at the foot of Mount Nebo, the highest peak in the Wasatch Range.
  • Take a river trip through the Canyons of the Green or Colorado Rivers.
  • Hit the slopes in winter on our skiing and snowboarding adventure trips.
  • 我们甚至组织国际学生参观五个国家公园 以及亚利桑那州的 大峡谷 和怀俄明州的 黄石国家公园.

Student Life: Elevated



Since Snow College is located in a more rural setting, prices are much lower than 你会发现在大城市. 事实上,我们提供 犹他州最低的学费、住宿费和杂费.

你可以得到高质量的教育和优秀的教授花一小部分的学费 美国大多数大学的学费.S.A. (less than $15,000 per year compared to $50,000!).


一旦被录取,作为一名国际学生,你有资格申请获得5000美元 每年减免你的学费.

也有机会 work on campus to help cover some of your costs, and Snow College offers flexible Payment Plans too.

作为犹他州最实惠的机构,推荐十大正规网赌平台致力于创造一个 美国教育对所有人开放.

那你还在等什么呢? 真的有个更适合你的地方!





作为一名在美国的国际学生.S., you’re eligible for lots of little discounts 这些加起来可以省下一大笔钱. For example, reduced entry to local attractions and money 公园外的门票或当地的餐馆.

You’ll also save money since you won’t need to commute to campus every day. Everything you need is within walking or cycling distance.

为了帮助你计划每周的预算或让你了解当地的价格,这里有一些 estimated costs when living as a student in Ephraim, Utah:

  • Sandwich: $6
  • Cappuccino: $4
  • 在当地餐馆用餐:15美元
  • 电影票:8美元.50
  • 体育比赛现场直播:校园免费!
  • Transport around campus: 100% walkable and free!



Chances are, you know a few things about Utah - you just don't realize it yet!

For example, in addition to having The Greatest Snow on Earth®犹他州有几个别名.

美国的电影场景® -凭借独特的风景,犹他州激发了无数电影制作人和导演的灵感 用胶片捕捉它的美丽. You can walk in the footsteps of famous actors and hunt down all 最佳拍摄地点. Or who knows? Maybe you’ll make your own independent film during your college years here. 从Instagram和YouTube上把它提升一个档次!

电影产业如此繁荣,难怪犹他州会举办这样的电影 the largest independent film festivals in the world. 导演、制片人、演员们: 舞台工作人员和任何对大银幕充满热情的人每天都会来到帕克城 年度为年度 圣丹斯电影节.

蜂巢之国 -虽然犹他州的蜜蜂种类确实比其他任何地方都多 U.S. 国务院,它的别名可不是这么来的. 事实上,它可以追溯到1848年 the hive was chosen as a symbol of hard work, dedication, and diligence. Each bee 它是否为整个群体提供了服务,因此,它们代表了一个社区 这是为了整体利益.

对于犹他州的人们来说,蜂巢激励着他们相互合作,相互支持 创造一个成功的社会. At Snow College, we believe that analogy holds true 对我们蓬勃发展的学生社区也是如此!


你听说过旧金山的硅谷和纽约的硅巷,但我没有 你听说过Silicon Slopes吧? 嗯,那是在犹他州! 我们不仅有一些不可思议的 风景在这里,我们也有一个繁荣的中心,大大小小的科技公司都有 选择犹他州是因为它有健康的就业资源、低廉的生活成本和公司税 incentives.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to our mountains – and our career options!

utah-america-film-set utah-state-capital-dome


in 2023 & 2024


in 2023 & 2024







Source: U.S. News & 世界报告,2023年和2024年

有了这样一个有吸引力的生活和工作的地方,难怪犹他州一直是 ranked the number one state in the entire country - two years in a row! Some of the 世界上最大的跨国公司在各个行业都有经营 感谢斯诺大学一流的就业中心,你将能够获得更多的就业机会 work experience or undertake an internship in your chosen field of study. We have 如果你打算主修地质学,生态旅游, architecture, engineering, film, music, and of course, business.

And don’t forget that when you choose to study at a community college, 你会受益于双倍的工作机会 因为当你在斯诺完成副学士学位后,你可以做12个月的OPT, and another 12 months when you finish your Bachelor’s at your transfer university.




students-snow-college-safe-campus-utah我们被认为是犹他州最安全的大学校园之一,我们的学生可以放松 knowing that safety standards are rigorously enforced. 在推荐十大正规网赌平台你可以享受 以下安全标准:

  • 所有大楼的钥匙卡入口
  • CCTV
  • 校园警察巡逻
  • 对所有员工进行安全检查
  • 24小时步行和车辆巡逻
  • 有照明的小路和人行道
  • Controlled dormitory access (key, security card, etc.)

推荐十大正规网赌平台安全记录高的另一个原因是酒精 即使超过法定饮酒年龄(21岁),也不允许在校园内饮酒。. 由于这条规则,学生们能够在一个更轻松、自然、 无威胁环境——无同伴压力饮酒,无安全事故作为 醉酒行为的结果. If you’re considering other rural universities in America, 你可能会发现这里过于强调派对和饮酒文化 位置偏远. 但雪不是这样! 在这里,我们享受着友好的社交氛围, with plenty of parties on offer – just done safely.

And with 住房仅几步之遥 从校园设施,你的风险大大降低,因为是你的通勤付出 你有更多的时间专注于你的学习和大学经历,更少的时间担心 关于其他事情!


Now that you know how incredible Utah is, let’s help you get here!


traveling-to-snow-college-utahYou’ll most likely arrive at Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC).

Here’s a handy list of other nearby airports for domestic transfers (or skydiving – hey, weekends weren’t made for sitting around):

  • 港莲机场(41U)
  • 普罗沃市机场(PVU)
  • 大汇合处(GJT)
  • Montrose (MTJ)
  • St. 乔治地区(SGU)
  • 奥登-欣克利机场(OGD)
  • 雪松城地区机场(CDC)


  1. 检查你的邮件! You will receive transportation information to help prepare for your arrival at Snow College with recommended travel dates.
  2. Fill out the Travel Information Form that is included in those instructions.
  3. 在此表格提交给我们后,您将收到您的行程确认 and a 申请机场接机的表格.
  4. 如果你的父母或家庭成员选择加入你,把你送到推荐十大正规网赌平台, they must rent a car in order to come to Snow College 因为可供他们返程的选择非常有限 to the airport.
如有任何问题,请与我们联系 ude.wons@lanoitanretni

Once you are on the Snow College campus, getting around is really easy. Your student 宿舍、教室和食堂之间的步行距离都在5-20分钟之内. 但是,请注意进出雪学院的交通选择 校园是 非常有限.

Please note: The 全球参与中心 is not a transportation service.
在要求我们的办公室提供之前,我们要求学生使用以下选项 交通:

  • 朋友或室友.
  • (local “Uber” company with limited capacity).
  • The weekly Walmart Bus is provided to all students free of charge.

Below you will find the costs for transportation to nearby locations.

Destination 每名学生费用
尼腓巴士站(盐湖快线或圣. George Shuttle) $80.00
普罗沃领跑者站 $90.00
盐湖城机场(单人) $150.00
盐湖城机场(学期前/学期后班车) $100.00
Mount Pleasant Hospital – Non-Emergency (Roundtrip) $20.00
Richfield Hospital – Non-Emergency (Roundtrip) $30.00
Utah Valley Hospital – Non-Emergency (Roundtrip) $60.00

如果全球参与中心能帮你安排交通,请帮忙 请注意,我们办公室保留随时更改上述价格的权利. 这些金额将直接记入学生在推荐十大正规网赌平台的账户.

A $25 fee will be applied to any students who:

  • Do not show up for the provided transportation.
  • Cancel less than 72 hours before transportation is scheduled to be provided.

Snow College in the town of Ephraim is located in the center of Utah state. It is 这是一个小而紧密的社区,由历史和文化形成了鲜明的特色 environment. At an elevation of 5500 feet, the campus offers a spectacular view of Wasatch和Manti LaSal山脉.

Take a virtual tour of our campus and buildings >


看看我们推荐的雪学院附近的一日游景点吧 走进大自然. These are just a few suggestions; you’ll quickly realize when you arrive that there are countless mountains and peaks to explore!

  • Salt Lake City
  • Temple Square
  • Park City
  • Provo
  • 平顶山
  • Lehi
  • Ogden
  • Orem


  • Grand Junction(科罗拉多州)
  • 拱门国家公园
  • Moab
  • 死马角州立公园
  • 峡谷地国家公园
  • 地精谷州立公园
  • Richfield - 参观雪的姐妹校区
  • 国会礁国家公园
  • Lake Powell
  • 大楼梯-埃斯卡兰特国家纪念碑
  • 布莱斯峡谷城
  • 布莱斯峡谷国家公园
  • 雪松断裂国家纪念碑
  • Cedar City
  • Angels Landing in Zion National Park – join one of Snow College’s guided tours
  • 内华达州的拉斯维加斯
  • 大峡谷,亚利桑那州
  • 米德湖,内华达州